Thursday, October 22, 2009

At the close of the week...

This week has been full and demanding: planning for Advent, pastoral calls, prayer, administration and all the rest. I am grateful to have some Sabbath time with my beloved tomorrow. I am ready for a rest.

Tonight we did some important work sharing the planning of Advent 2009 with the Worship Ministry Team. Team work is always more time consuming and complicated that planning by the "experts" (read: staff) but it is also the way church should be. So tonight we wrestled through what Advent might feel and sound and look like this year; what's more we tried to discern what the Holy Spirit might be saying to the church, too. We shall see...

At any rate, as I get ready to watch "Project Runway" with my life partner - and share a glass of red wine - let me share another episode of worship with you as recorded by my video partner.

And here is part two...

Now it is on to Sabbath time!!!

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